
ThisisanunofficialstoreversionforAutoHotkeyv1andv2,modifiedtoberuninWindows10S-Mode.IthaspermissionfromtheofficialAutoHotkeyTeam, ...,沒有這個頁面的資訊。·瞭解原因,AutoHotkeyisafreeandopen-sourcecustomscriptinglanguageforMicrosoftWindows,primarilydesignedtoprovideeasykeyboardshortcutsorhotkeys.,AutoHotkeyisafree,opensourcemacro-creationandautomationsoftwareutilitythatallowsuserstoautomaterepet...

AutoHotkey v2 Store Edition - 在Windows 上免費下載並安裝

This is an unofficial store version for AutoHotkey v1 and v2, modified to be run in Windows 10 S-Mode. It has permission from the official AutoHotkey Team, ...

download and install AutoHotKey

沒有這個頁面的資訊。 · 瞭解原因


AutoHotkey is a free and open-source custom scripting language for Microsoft Windows, primarily designed to provide easy keyboard shortcuts or hotkeys.

AutoHotkey - macro-creation and automation-oriented ...

AutoHotkey is a free, open source macro-creation and automation software utility that allows users to automate repetitive tasks.           AutoHotkey · Pull requests 14 · AutoHotkeyx.sln ·


AutoHotKey是一個免費開源的巨集指令程式,透過自訂的AutoHotKey腳本自動化鍵盤和滑鼠的操作,做到文字擴展,簡化/映射快捷鍵,快速開啟應用程式及網頁等 ...

AutoHotkey download page

沒有這個頁面的資訊。 · 瞭解原因


AutoHotkey is a free, open-source scripting language for Windows that allows users to easily create small to complex scripts for all kinds of tasks. The AutoHotkey Foundation · AutoHotkey Community · Documentation · V2 docs

How to Manage Windows

A script can activate, close, minimize, maximize, restore, hide, show or move almost any window. This is done by calling the appropriate Win function.


AutoHotkey是自由開源的程式語言,常用於Windows平台的自動化。 AutoHotkey. 開發者, Chris Mallett(Chris),Steve Gray(Lexikos).

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File & Image Uploader 8.5.0 免費空間批次上傳
